Blog Policy


CODEPINK believes wholeheartedly in democracy, but until we’ve (re)instated one here in this country—where all citizens, regardless of race, creed, color, religious or personal beliefs feel comfortable sharing their views without fear of retribution—we’re moderating your comments. We encourage jokes, ideas, healthy debate, engaged and well-meaning criticism, and of course any questions not already covered on our FAQ page.

Additionally we will not tolerate cruel, degrading, disgusting or abusive language about any one, so don’t bother wasting your time because it will not be posted.


CODEPINK would be happy to offer our editorials, posts, and updates as reprints to your site or in your print publication. For specific inquiries about this site, or for other media inquiries, such as interview requests, please contact [email protected].


If you comment regularly and thoughtfully, rest assured we’ll eventually hit you up to start writing with us on a regular basis.

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